Logo Design

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Product Catalogue


Produced in 2014,Darton's 52-page full color product catalogue features product images, a table of contents, detailed parts listings, and various company information. Produced with Adobe InDesign for CMYK output, the booklet is also available in eBook format as an interactive PDF. The printed version was manufactured by Ripon Printers in Ripon, Wisconsin and features a [...]

Logo Design


Project Brief Creators and publishers of homeschool educational curriculum, Teach4Mastery approached Helming Creative to design a brand for its new math program. The Perceptions program is designed to reach 1st to 3rd graders via standards, multiplication, division, and fractions intervention. The Challenge The concept of the math program centered around the way a student [...]

Consultant Web Site


Transportation Management & Design, Inc. (TMD) is a transit-planning consultancy founded in 1988 that develops and implements market and customer driven transit networks and services nationally and worldwide. For nearly 30 years, TMD has provided planning, operations, and financial expertise to the domestic and international transit communities. While serving as the firm's marketing manager, Kelly [...]

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